N.C.(Narasingh Choudhury) Autonomous College,Jajpur
Welcomes You
• To inculcate qualities of nobility, beauty and bravery for a progressive, prosperous and powerful India.
• To promote a set of values to strengthen human bonds.
• To build students as effective instruments of social change.
• To promote scientific temper and inquisitive spirit for a brighter tomorrow.
• To create a climate of confidence for all round academic achievement of students.
• To inspire students to commit themselves to have a meaningful life.
• To promote tolerance and fellow feeling among students for mutual accommodation of interests.
The institution envisions a bright future and encourages the students to march towards ever higher objectives with focus on interdisciplinary research and innovative ideas.
Founder Narasingha Choudhury: Ray Bahadur Of Jajpur
Ray Bahadur Ray Saheb Narasingh Choudhury Charan Badapanda was born to father Choudhury Prahallad Charana Badapanda Mahapatra and mother Choudhury Lakshmi Priya Mahapatra in Palada village under Dasarathpur Block of Jajpur district on Odia date Baishakh Sukla Chaturdarshi (Nrusingh Chaturdashi) 1873. The title Badapanda has been attached to his surname as his ancestors were the inhabitants of Puri.
He had learned Sanskrit, Veda and Upanishad from Pandit Kanhu Charana Patimishra and mastered Karma kanda, and Logic and Philosophy from Pandit Harihara Dev and mastered Astrology, Vastu Sastra from Pandit Kamadhenu Mahanta. At the age of 13 he married Choudhury Jahnabi Mahapatra in 1886. His father had died after some days of his birth and his mother died the year after his marriage in 1887.
The territory of his Zamindari extended from Mahanga in Cuttack district to the district of Balasore. For the proper management of his work he had appointed more than forty gumastas and for the supervision of the works of the gumastas he had appointed a chief Gumasta and he had appointed a Tahasildar for the management of his total estate. The status of Choudhury Sahib as a reputed Zamindar was clear from the fact that Choudhury had appointed two managers because during the British rule only the millionaire Zamindars had the discretionary power of appointing two managers.
For the propaganda of the greatness and miracles of Maa Biraja a (nanometer) nine letter rhyme 28 Canto book Biraja Kshetra Mahatma translated by Bipra Harekrushna Das was edited and printed under the patronage of Choudhury Saheb in 1938.He had donated Rs 1000 for the printing of the book ‘Purna Chandras Bhasha Kosha’
Being nominated as the first Chairman of Jajpur Municipality in 1951 he remained in that post up to his death in 1953. He had discharged his duty as the member of the Trusty Board of Biraja and Sidheswar temple. As his knowledge was widespread he had been selected as a member of Puri Mukti Mandap. Narasingh Choudhury was its first Secretary of the Sanskrit TOLL started by his father and Sadhu babu in 1828. Its management committee has been functioning since its inception till today.
The philanthropic contribution of Choudhury Saheb was enormous and far reaching. He had got a big building (named Town Hall) built in his own land in the centre of the town for the purpose of being used as a Meeting Hall and Library by the people of Jajpur . The same town Hall was also used for the inauguration of the District Judge Court.
Taking a land from the king of Sukinda for the purpose of building cattle shed for the safety of the cattle he had built one in Jajpur Road. He had made arrangement of the worship of Lord Balaji by building a big pucca house in the village of Dandasundari. The rites and rituals of the temple have been observed by generation after generation till today. Narasingh Choudhury Autonomous College which was built with his donation of 23.67 acre of land and Rs 1,00,000 got its validation as a govt. college by the Department of Higher Education on 19.07.1946.He had built Lord Someswar temple at Jaunlibandha in 1942.He had established a school at Khadagpur in West Bengal for the Odia students. He had established N.C High school near jajpur Road for higher education of the students. He had built a pucca house in Zilla School in order to fulfill the requirement of the growing number of students during the inception of the school. He had donated land for the playground of the Zilla School. He had built a Labour Room for the pregnant women in the then Govt. Medical of Jajpur.
Choudhury Sahib had been conferred the title of Ray Sahib by Viceroy and Governor General of India on 01.01.1934 and the title Ray Bahadur by the Viceroy of India on 1.01.1944.
Principal’s Message
Dear Students,
“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future”.
Hard work, dedication and perseverance are the most important traits in a person that lead to success. The future belongs to you; your need, therefore, is to prepare yourself for an active participation in the world. This participation demands that you become well informed and hence develop yourself like a pioneer and ultimately grow as responsible men and women.
Our vision is based on hard work, open communication, a strong emphasis on team work and a high level of responsibility. This visionary culture allows and emphasizes our wards not only to adopt the present day challenges but also individual responsibilities to the society and our nation at large.
Students should always think and review – discover the cause and effect of every event, in which they are involved. Do not surrender or become a slave to youthful fancies and indulgences. Be steady in your studies. Learn to enjoy hard work – particularly your studies. Think wisely, think systematically. Always prepare yourself for next day’s lesson. Be very serious and attentive in class.Preserve our heritage and environment for yourself as well as for your next generation. Always be a soldier to defend and preserve our traditions and our territory.
With experienced and dedicated teachers and excellent infrastructure, our college helps students to realize their goals in life. I encourage all students to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the college and involve themselves in all the extracurricular activities that are offered. The overall development of the mind and body is a sign of a healthy and complete development.
N.C. Autonomous College
College Crest
In the enclosed space between the two circles are given the name of the college, the year of its establishment and a Sanskrit motto “Vidyaya Vindate ‘mrutam”, an Upanishadic text which means one attains immortality with learning. At the centre of the inner circle is a wheel that represents continuing progress. In the lower quadrant under the wheel there is a burning lamp symbolising knowledge and enlightenment whereas in the up-per quadrant there is a full blown lotus, which is our national flower and which stands for all that is pure, noble in our culture and religious heritage. The microscope in the left quadrant and the ship with its wind-puffed sails in the right stand for scientific and com-mercial progress of the nation. The sailing ship brings back the memory of our glorious past and heritage and the adventure of our maritime ancestors.
Alumni Association
N.C. (Autonomous) College, Jajpur
Regt No-JPR-3283/03-2016
Advisory Body
Principal N.C. (Auto) College
Ex- Officio- Chairman
Prof. Radharaman Das
Prof. Mohan Charan Das
Mr. Bijay Kumar Mohanty
Sk. Safaquat Hossain Khan
Executive Body
President- Sri Pranab Prakash Das
Vice President- Sri Santosh Kumar Nanda,Sri Akshaya Kumar Behuria
Secretary-Sri Batakrishna Mohapatra
Joint Secretary-Sri Debasis Panda ,Sri Amar Kumar Routray
Asst. Secretaries-Sri Bhaba Prasad Das,Sri Sandip Kumar Panda,Sri Bibhuti Bhusan Mohapatra,Sri Partha Sarathi Ray
Treasurer-Sri Mihir Bikash Mohanty
Asst. Treasurer- Sri Bijay Krushna Dash
The governing body of the Alumni Association, NC (AUTO) COLLEGE, JAJPUR sat in the Auditorium to discuss the programmes and activities to be taken up. The meeting was held on 10th June, 2016.
Alumni Certificate 
Alumni Letter 
Governing Body
Governing Body
Governing Body of College
Principal List
Succession List of the Principals
Sl. No. | Name | Working Period |
56 | Dr. Bishnu Charan Das | 11.11.2022 – CONTINUING |
55. | Prof.F.M.Mallik | 30.11.17 – 31.10.2022 |
54. | Prof.B.B.BIKRAM | 31.8.16 – 30.11.17 |
53. | Dr.A.K.Lenka | 31.7.16 -31.8.16 |
52. | Dr.Gadadhar Behera | 30.09.15 -31.7.16 |
51. | Dr,(Smt.) K. L. Sahoo | 28.02.14 – 30.9.15 |
50. | Sri. N.K. Dey | 30.06.13-28.02.14 |
49. | Dr. D. N. Lenka | 30.04.12-30.06.13 |
48. | Dr B.C. Sahoo | 31.01.12-30.04.12 |
47. | Purna Chandra Jena | 30.06.11-31.01.12 |
46. | Dr. B.K. Sarangi | 31.08.10-30.06.11 |
45. | Dr. P. Banarjee | 08.12.09-31.08.10 |
44. | Purna Chandra Jena | 30.04.09-08.12.09 |
43. | Dr. J.P. Debata | 05.11.08-30.04.09 |
42. | Dr. Sarat Kumar Behera | 31.05.07-05.11.08 |
41. | Dr. Siddheswar Jena | 31.07.05-31.05.07 |
40. | Prof. Ramesh Ch. Sarangi | 31.07.04-31.07.05 |
1 – 39 Principal List ![]() |
Teaching Staff
Members of the Teaching Staff
Sl. | Department | Detail | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Department of Botany: |
2 | Department of Chemistry: |
3 | Department of Commerce: |
4 | Department of Economics: |
5 | Department of English: |
6 | Department of History: |
7 | Department of Mathematics: |
8 | Department of Odia: |
9 | Dept. Of Logic & Philosophy : |
10 | Department of Physics: |
11 | Department of Political Science: |
12 | Department of Sanskrit: |
13 | Dept. Of Sociology : |
14 | Dept. Of Urdu : | Vacant | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Dept. Of Zoology : |
Non Teaching Staff
Under Construction
College Societies
Societies :
There are a number of societies in the College for the purpose of holding debates, reading papers, arranging lectures and taking up other cognate activities for the pro-motion of the academic interest of the students.
The Principal shall be the ex-officio president of all the societies and he / She or his / her nominee shall preside over the meeting of all societies subject to the provision of their constitutions.
The Principal shall have direct control over funds of all the societies. 10% of the funds of all societies shall be kept at his disposal and shall be spent at his discretion for the general welfare of the college and the students.
The office bearers of all the societies shall assume office after the elections are over in the General Body meet-ing on a fixed date by the principal. They will take over charge from the respective Adviser or the Vice-president as the case may be.
The members of the teaching staff may be nominated as Associate Adviser of the College Union or Associate Vice-president of different Associations and Societies, if the Prin-cipal so desires. The members of the staff so nominated, will be members of the concerned Executive Committee and they will act in the capacity of the Adviser/Vice-Presi-dent in latter’s absence. They will also assist the Adviser/ Vice-President in conducting cultural and other functions.
College Union
1.The functions of the College Union are :
a)To organise discussion on general, cultural, academic, national and international problems.
b)To organise debates.
c)To invite eminent persons to address the Union.
d)To take up such other activities as are proposed by the Union.
Members of the Union :
2.Every +3 and P.G. Course student of the college is a member of the Union. No one whose name is not on the rolls of the College can be a member of the Union.N.B: College union election strictly follows the Lyngdo Commission guidelines.
3.Every student of the College shall pay to the Union fund a subscription of Rs.9/- per anum alongwith the first instalment of college fees for the session.
4.The meeting of the Union shall be open to all the members of the staff, who, if they so desire, can take part in the proceedings of the meeting.
The Executive Committee :
5.There shall be an Executive Committee of the College Union consisting of the following :
a)The President.
b)The Vice-President.
c)The Secretary.
d)The Assistant Secretary.
e)One student representative to be elected from each class.
6.(a) The functions of the Executive Committee shall be
i)To draw up programme for the Union activity for the session.
ii)To prepare the Union Budget for the session (60% for Inauguration ceremony & 40% for Annual day function including debate & other competitions).
iii)To undertake such activities as are consonant with the objective of the Union in accordance with the Constitution.
b)i) An ordinary meeting of the Executive Committee may be called by the Secretary in consultation with the President and the Adviser. Notice of such meeting with date, time, place and agenda shall be given to members at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. All such notices shall be countersigned by the Adviser and the principal and displayed on the notice board.
ii)An extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee can be convened any time by the Principal.
iii)A meeting of the Executive Committee shall be presided over by the President or, in his absence, by the Vice-President.
iv)No meeting of the Executive Committee can be conducted without the Adviser.
v)Two-third of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute the quorum.
vi)The minutes of the meeting shall be maintained by the secretary and a copy there of shall be communicated by the Secretary to the Principal within two days through the Adviser.
Adviser :
7.a) There shall be an adviser and one or more associate advisers appointed by the principal from among the members of the staff.
b)The adviser/associate adviser shall remain present at the ordinary meeting of the Union in which he will assist the president in the proper conduct of the meeting and the president may refer to him
any rule for interrogation and the decision of the Advisor/Associate Adviser, when so referred to shall be final.
c)The adviser/associate adviser may at times call a meeting at the request of the president. He will explain the scope and effect of a motion or an amendment.
d)The adviser/associate adviser, if unable to be present at a meeting may request the principal to nominate a member of the staff to take his place and such a member shall discharge all the functions of the adviser.
e)Neither the adviser nor his deputy will preside over an ordinary meeting of the union unless specially requested to do so by the president.
f)All monetary transactions shall be made through the Adviser or the Associate Adviser in the absence of the former.
The President :
8.Any member of the Union is eligible to contest for the presidency ship of the Union. The president shall preside over all the ordinary meetings of the Union at which he is present. He shall be responsible for maintaining order and interpretation of the rules. His ruling shall be considered final except where he requests the adviser to give a ruling in which case ruling of the adviser shall be considered final.
The Vice-President :
9.The Vice-President must be a member of the Union & in the absence of the President he shall assume
all his rights and discharge all his duties. The vice-president must be a non-examinee.
The Secretary :
10.Any member of the Union can stand for the secretary ship of the Union and the secretary shall :
a)Arrange for debates, give notice of all ordinary meetings and record the minutes of all the meetings whether annual, ordinary or extraordinary.
b)Discharge his function in consultation with the president and the adviser, and
c)Invite speakers for debates and symposia.
The Asst. Secretary :
11.The Assistant Secretary must be a member of the Union. He shall assist the Secretary in the discharge
of his duties and in his absence perform his function.
The Assistant Secretary must be a non-examinee.
Election :
12.Once at the beginning of each session on such date as the Govt. / Principal may decide, elections shall be held for different offices of the college union provided that normal condition prevails.
13.Nominations to such elections duly proposed and seconded shall reach the Principal in writing seven days before the date of election.
14.a) Every member of the Union has the right to vote in every election.
b)No member shall cast more than one vote for each office to be filled.
c)A student is eligible to contest for one office only.
15.Election shall be conducted and votes recorded and attested in such manner as the Principal shall determine.
16.a) The candidate obtaining the largest number of votes shall be declared elected.
b)Any complaint with regard to polling or counting should be submitted in writing to the Principal immediately at the time of polling or counting. No complaint will be entertained afterward.
17.The election petition, specifically for recounting will be accepted by the Principal if it satisfies the conditions mentioned mentioned below.
a)After counting a provisional result of the election will be declared.
b)If a candidate finds that he/she has lost the election by “marginal votes” he/she may represent for recounting within one hour after the declaration of the provisional result. Any such petition shall be signed by atleast 25 voters.
c)The “marginal votes” shall always be constituted “FIVE” in case the total number of valid votes polled in respect of the office is 500 (five hundred) or above and “TWO” in case of total number of valid votes polled is less that 500 (five hundred).
18.In case of a “TIE” the result shall be determined by lot by the Principal in the presence of the contestants concerned.
19.a) Any Election petition giving specific complain
is to be accepted by the Principal within seven days from the date of election if it is signed by not less than 25 voters.
b)If the Principal is convinced that the elected candidate has won in an illegal way, election for that office will be declared null and void and by-election for that office will be conducted within a fortnight from the date of pronouncement of judgment.
20.The Principal shall be the final authority in all matters relating to the college election and his decision will be binding.
Vacancies in Office :
21.The office bearers hold office for the entire session unless they.
a)Belong to final year classes and they will automatically cease to hold their respective office after filling up forms for the university examinations.
b)Cease to be members of the College.
c)Voluntarily resign in writing addressed to the Principal or removed as provided in Rule 22 below.
22.An office bearer who fails in the proper discharge of his duties can be removed by a vote of no confidence passed by two-third of the members of the Union present at an extraordinary meeting called for the purpose.
23.Any office falling vacant will be filled up by holding a by-election. The procedure for the by-election will be the same as for the election held at the beginning of the session.
24.At the end of each session the office bearers shall have to hand over charge to the Adviser.
Ordinary Meetings :
25.In the absence of both the President and the Vice-President from an ordinary meeting the members present will elect a Chairman from among themselves, the Adviser or his deputy taking the chair until the election is over. The Chairman shall assume all the rights and discharge all the duties of the President during the meeting.
26.At the commencement of each ordinary meeting the Secretary shall present the minutes of the last meeting of the Union if any. The minutes after being approved by the members present shall be signed by the President.
27.Every speech shall be relevant to the subject of debate and no personal reflection shall be made in the course of the discussion.
28.No member other than the mover of a motion shall speak more than once in the course of a debate. At the conclusion of the debate the mover may at his option reply to the debate.
29.The President may, if he so desires, take part in the debate. The Vice-President or in the latter’s absence some one else at the Presidents’s request takes the chair while he does so.
Vote of Debate :
30.a) All questions in the debate shall be determined by majority of the votes of the members present.
b)If the votes are equally divided the president will decide it by casting his vote.
Point of Order :
31.The Adviser, his deputy, or any member may call the President’s attention to a point of order even while a member is speaking but no speech shall be made on such a point of order.
32.The President may call any order. If a member disobeys or disregards any order or ruling of the President or the Adviser or his deputy, the President may forth with report his name to the Principal and if necessary, the president may dissolve the meeting.
33.In case not provided for under these rules the Adviser or his deputy shall give a ruling as to the procedure or the principles already laid down and his ruling shall be final.
Extra Ordinary Meeting :
34.An extraordinary meeting of the union may be convened.
a)at the principal’s discretion.
b)on a written requisition addressed to the principal signed by not less than one hundred members of the union, and
c)on the request of the President to the Principal
35.The Principal or his nominee shall preside at any extra ordinary meeting.
Amendment to Rules :
36.a) Amendment to any of these rules shall be considered only in the annual meeting of the Union.
b)No amendment will be considered if it is not duly proposed and seconded and of which a week’s clear notice has not been received.
37.No amendment to any of these rules will be in force before the next session i.e., if an amendment is passed in 2014-15 it will be in force in 2015-16.
38.The Principal shall be the final authority in all matters relating to the Union. He reserves the right to alter amend or abrogate any of the rules mentioned above.
The Dramatic Society
1.There shall be a Dramatic Society in the College called ‘The N.C.(Auto) College Dramatic Society’.
2.All the students of the college shall be members of the society.
3.Every student pays an annual subscription of Rs.10/-to the Society’s Accounts.
4.Functions of the Society shall be –
a)to stage dramas, arrange for variety entertainments and musical performances in order to explore the histrionic talent of the students.
b)to popularise music, dance and drama.
c)to invite eminent musicians & arrange for musical performance, and
d)to arrange for music competitions among the students.
5.a) There shall be an Executive Committee to manage the affairs of the Society.
b)The Executive Committee shall consist of the following
i)The President – Principal (ex-officio)
ii)The Vice-President to be nominated from the members of the Teaching Staff.
iii)A Secretary and an Assistant-Secretary to be elected by all the members from among themselves.
iv)One representative from each class of the college to be elected by all the students of the class concerned.
v)One representative of the woman students to be nominated by the Principal if he thinks that such representation is necessary and at the same time they are not adequately represented in the Executive Committee.
6.Four members shall constitute the quorum of an ordinary meeting of the Executive Committee.
a)At the beginning of each session there shall be elections to the different offices.
b)The Principal shall determine the date and manner of election and he shall be final authority in all matters regarding elections.
7. After elections are over there shall be a general meeting of all the members of the society in which charges shall be made over to the newly elected office bearers. At the end of each session the office bearers shall have to hand over charges to the Vice-President.
a) The vice-president shall be in charge of the accounts of the society.
b) At the of end each session the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary shall have to hand over charges to the Vice-President.
8. The Secretary shall :
a) Convene all ordinary meetings of the Executive Committee in consultation with the Vice-President.
b) Keep minutes of the society.
9. The Assistant Secretary shall act as secretary and carry out all his duties in the absence of the Secretary.
10. The Secretary and the Assistant Secretary shall not ordinarily be given any part in the drama.
11. Any office bearer of the society may be removed from office if he fails to discharge his duties properly.
(i) By the Principal or (ii) by a vote of no-confidence passed by not less than two thirds of the members of the Executive Committee present and voting in a meeting of the society specially called for the purpose. Such a meeting is to be convened by the principal on a written request signed by not less than one hundred members of the society.
12. The Principal reserves to himself the right to alter, amend or abrogate any of the rules mentioned above.
The Athletic Association :
1.There shall be an Athletic Association for the College called” The N.C.(Auto.) College Athletic Association.”
2.All the members of the staff and the students shall be members of the Association and every student shall contribute Rs. 15/- per annum to the fund of the Association.
3.The main object of the Association shall be to promote games and athletics among the students.
4.Members of the staff, if invited by the Captain may participate in any organised outdoor games conducted by the Association.
5.a) There shall be an Executive Council for the general management of the Association and preparation of the budget.
b)The Executive Council shall consist of the following members :
(i)President – Principal (ex-officio)
(ii)Vice-President – A member of the teaching staff nominated by the Principal.
(iii)A woman teacher shall be nominated by the Principal to remain in charge of games for women students if necessary.
(iv)The Physical Education Teacher.
(v) A Secretary and Assistant Secretary to be elected by the members of the Society from among themselves.
(vi)One representative from each class of the College to be elected by the students of the class concerned.
(vii)One representative of woman students to be nominated by the Principal if deemed necessary.
(viii)The Captains of football, hockey, volley ball or such other organised outdoor games as might exist in the college.
b) Seven members shall constitute the quorum for an ordinary meeting of the Executive Council.
6. a) At the beginning of each session there shall be an election to the different offices.
b) The Principal shall determine the date, time and manner of election and he shall be final authority in all matters regarding elections.
7. After elections are over there shall be a general meeting of all the members of the association in which the newly elected office bearers shall take over charge from the Vice-President.
a) At the of end each session the office bearers shall hand over charge to the Vice-President.
8. a) A Captain and a Vice-Captain shall be chosen for each of the organised outdoor game of the college by the Executive Council.
b) Neither the Secretary nor the Assistant Secretary can be elected as a captain or Vice-Captain.
c) As far as practicable the Captain and the Vice-Captain shall be chosen from among students who have distinguished themselves in such games.
9. The Assistant Secretary shall act as Secretary in his absence.
a) The Captain shall select the players in consultation with the Secretary and the P.E.T. for friendly matches subject to the approval of the vice-president.
b) In the absence of the captain the Vice-Captain shall carry out all the duties of the Captain.
10. The Physical Education Teacher shall –
(a) copy the invoices in the stock book.
(b) keep an account of the sports goods.
(c) look after the playground, and
(d) do such other work as are assigned to him by the Vice-President.
11. a) The Secretary, the Assistant Secretary, the Captain and the Vice-Captains may be removed from their offices by the Principal if they fail to discharge their duties properly.
b) A Captain shall automatically cease to be a captain if he absents himself from the field continuously for fifteen days.
c) The Secretary and the Assistant Secretary may be removed from their offices by a vote of no confidence
passed and voting in a General Body Meeting of the Association. Such a meeting can be convened by the Principal on a written request signed by not less than 100 members of the Association.
12. The Principal reserves to himself the right to alter, amend or abrogate any of the rules mentioned above.
Common Room
The College provides Common Room facilities to the students. Two teachers nominated by the Principal shall supervise the arrangements. Two Secretaries, one elected from among the man students and the other from the woman students are in charge of their respective common rooms. They will arrange games assisted by the P.E.T. and the class representatives. Indoor game competitions are open to all the students.
The Day Scholars’ Association
1.The function of the association will be
a)to promote goodwill, fellow-feeling and mutual understanding among all the day-scholars and to create
a healthy educational atmosphere for the well being and good reputation of the college.
b)to organise annual gatherings, and
c)to organise annual competitions.
2.All the day scholars of the college will be the members of the Association by paying an annual fee of two rupees each which will be realised along with the college fees in the month of July.
3.The Secretary, the Assistant Secretary and one representative from each class are to be elected from among the day scholars of the college.
4.The principal of the college shall be the president and a member of the teaching staff nominated by the principal will act as vice-president who will preside at all the meetings of the Association and advise the secretary for the smooth conduct of all the functions of the association in consultation with the principal who is the final authority in all matters relating to the association. At the end of each session the office bearers shall have to hand over charge to the vice-president.
5.All monetary transactions shall be made by the vice-president.
6.There shall be an annual general meeting which will be addressed by an eminent person. The annual general meeting will be presided by the principal or his nominee.
7.The meeting of the association shall be open to all the students. The members of the teaching staff will be invited as visitors and can take part in the discussion.
The Social Service Guild
1.The aims and objects of the Social Service Guild are:
a)To render Social Service of any nature such as to attempt removal of illiteracy, the prevention of epidemic diseases in town or suburban areas, to form volunteer corps in fairs and at the time of flood and other natural calamities, to render help to the destitute.
b)To provide financial aid to poor and deserving students of the college.
c)To arrange lectures by eminent persons for the benefit of the student community.
2.Each student of the college shall contribute an annual subscription of two rupees which will be realised along with the college fees in the month of July every year.
3.The principal as the Ex-officio president shall control the funds and shall be the final authority in the functions of the Guild.
4.A teacher nominated by the principal shall be the vice-president. He may be assisted by an associate who will render him all possible help and act as vice-president in his absence.
5.A Secretary, an Assistant Secretary and two representatives from each class are to be elected at the beginning of every session.
6.At the end of each session, the office bearers shall have to hand over charge to the vice-president.
7.The Secretary in due consultation with the vice-president shall (i) invite applications from the students for aid and from S.S.G. (fund) (ii) convene, if necessary, a meeting for the purpose, (iii) attempt to collect subscriptions or donations from the charitable public to better the financial position of the Guild. The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary in performing the duties or shall assume all responsibilities during the absence of the secretary.
8.The principal reserves the right to alter or amend the constitution.
The Students’ Aid Fund
1.There shall be a Students’ Aid Fund in N.C.(Auto) College, Jajpur on the lines suggested by the U.G.C. The name of the fund shall be “The Students’ Aid Fund, N.C.(Auto) College, Jajpur.”
2.The rules framed by the U.G.C. in this connection shall be adhered to by the committee for management of the Students’ Aid Fund.
3.The object of this fund is to render financial assistance to the poor students of the college, meet their tuition fees or similar other expenses such as purchase of books etc.
4.Each student of the college shall contribute to the fund a sum of Rs. 2/- only in a year at the time of admission to the college at the beginning of the session. The amount so collected will be supplemented by and equivalent amount expected to be paid by the U.G.C.
5.There shall be a managing body of the fund which shall be in the hands of the Principal of the college.
6.There shall be a managing body of the fund consisting of the following office bearers.
(a)Principal of the College – Ex-officio Chairman.
(b)Vice-President, Social Service Guild – Member
(c)Superintendent of the hostel attached to the college – Member.
(d)President of the college Union – Student Member.
(e) Secretary of the Social Service Guild – Student Member
7.Application from students for aid from the fund will be invited by the principal as ex-officio Chairman of the managing body of the fund.
8.The award of aid from the fund will be decided by the managing body of the fund.
9.The Chairman of the fund and the Managing body of the fund shall remain the final authority in all matters relating to the award and administration of the fund.
10.At the end of every year a statement of account of the fund shall be submitted to the U.G.C. through the Utkal University.
Subject Societies
a)All the students of the college offering Science/ Commerce subjects shall be the members of the Science/Commerce Society respectively.
b)All the students of the college offering any compulsory and optional subjects other than science subjects shall be the members of the respective subject society.
Objective :
The main objectives of the subject societies shall be to organise debates, paper reading, appropriate activities relating to their respective subject so as to inculcate a sense of independent thinking in the students.
Executive Committee :
There shall be an Executive Committee for each subject society consisting of the following :
(a) President – Principal (Ex-officio)
(b) Vice-President
(i) In case of Science Society, the senior most teacher of the science faculty.
(ii)In case of other subject societies, the senior most teacher of the respective department.
c)Other teachers of the subject concerned shall be ex-officio members of their respective subject societies.
Secretary :
To be elected by members of the respective subject
societies from among the P.G. or 3rd year Honours students concerned. But in case of Science/Commerce Society any student of 3rd year Science/Commerce can contest for the post.
Joint Secretary :
To be elected by the members of the respective subject societies from among the concerned +3 2nd year honours students concerned. But in case of Science/Commerce society any student of First/ SecondYear Science/Commerce can contest for the post.Commerce is subject
Class Representative :
To be elected by members of the class concerned, one from each class (Commerce, Science and Humanities separately.)
Meeting of the Executive Committee :
The secretaries of the respective subject societies in consultation with their respective Vice-Presidents shall convene a meeting of the executive committee giving three days notice to prepare the annual budget and programme.
All the expenditure shall be approved by the executive committee.
Election :
The election of the office bearers to different offices will be held in the manner the President deems fit
and convenient.
Monetary Transaction :
All the monetary transactions shall be made through respective Vice-Presidents.
The decisions of the President shall be final in all matters of societies relating to the subjects.
1. The name of the Planning Forum shall be N.C.(Auto) College Planning Forum.
2. The aim and objectives of this Forum shall be –
(a)to conduct socio-economic surveys.
(b)to organise debates, seminars and symposia.
(c)to celebrate National Plan Week.
(d)to organise educational trips to rural projects.
(e)to start a plan information centre and
(f)to carry out such other activities relating to five Year Plans.
3.Membership of the Forum shall be open to all students of the college and members of the staff.
4.Voluntary contribution may be collected from the members as well as from others to supplement the grant in-aid from the government if any received for the purpose of carrying out the activities of the planning Forum.
5.(a) The election of the office bearers shall be conducted on a date and in a manner as the Principal deems convenient.
(b)The composition of the Forum shall be as follows.
President – Principal, N.c.(Auto) College, Jajpur (Ex-officio)
Secretary – to be elected by the student members.
Joint Secretary – to be elected by the student members.
6.The Secretary shall maintain a register of active members and shall record the minutes of all proceedings of the Forum.
7.In the absence of the Secretary, the Joint Secretary shall act as Secretary, and shall discharge all duties
of the Secretary.
8.The Joint Secretary shall also keep the accounts of the Forum.
9.The President shall be the final authority regarding all matters of the Forum.
Consumers’ Co-Op. Store Ltd.
1.The N.C.College Consumer Co-operative society was established in July 1963. It has been duly registered under the Orissa Co-operative Societies Act., 1968,
Orissa Act II of 1963.
(a)The objects of the Society are to promote the
economic interest of its members and more particularly to assist them in obtaining goods and other daily necessaries of life at a reasonable price.
(b)to encourage self-help, thrift and cooperation among its members, and
(c)to disseminate knowledge of co operative principles and make use of them as far as practicable.
2. Membership of the store is open to all the students, members of the staff and other employees of the college.
3 Membership can be made by purchase of shares of Rs.2.00 each.
4. On every member an entrance fee of Rs.1.00 is charged.
5. The affairs of the store are managed by a Board of Directors comprising.
(a) President – Principal (Ex-officio)
(b) Secretary – A member of the staff and
(c) 9 persons elected from among the members.
There shall be seminar for every subject of study having Honours and P.G. teaching. It will be named as “the N.C.(Auto) College (name of the subject) Seminar.”
The main objective of the seminar shall be pursuit and promotion of study in the subject by means of seminar meetings, symposia, discussion and speeches on topics relating to the subject.
All Honours and P.G. students and staff of the subject concerned are members of the seminar.
There shall be a Secretary and Joint Secretary of the seminar duly elected from among the students of 6th yr. P.G/ 3rd yr. Hons. classes and 5th. Yr. P.G/1st and 2nd year Hons. classes respectively.